
Monday, May 3, 2010

Elote con mayonesa, queso rallado y chile de La Tapiata Tienda Mexicana

Elote con mayonesa, queso rallado y chile (corn-on-the-cob with mayonnaise, grated cheese and chile) from La Tapiata Tienda Mexicana, a grocer and meat market at the corner of Des Moines & E. 15th. Truly a complete marriage of the five food groups: crunchy, sweet, creamy, cheesy, spicy.

Along with the above, La Tapiata sells other to-go items to eat like ensalada de frutas (Mexican fruit cups) and a plethora of cooked meats from the carnicerΓ­a.
La Tapatia Tienda Mexicana on UrbanspoonPhoto from the Picasa Web Album: Reviewed Foods

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