
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Vegan Las Vegas at Veggie House!

Orange Chicken at Veggie House on Spring Mountain Road. White, delicate ‘flesh’ within, lightly crisp exterior with a mild, sweet glaze. A refined meat analogue that should appeal to firm tofu lovers.

Spicy Crispy Beef at Veggie House. Soy ‘beef’ strips glazed in a sweet, spicy sauce, sprinkled with crushed peanut. I adore the chewy, jerky-like texture and zippy sauce.

Left, A delicately flavored Peanut Butter White Chocolate ice cream. Smooth and creamy with a smidgen of ice crystal that melts away immediately. I’d swear this was dairy! Center, Veggie House at 5115 Spring Mountain: Look up, it’s on the second floor. Right, This would seem to be a no-brainer for any restaurant, let alone one that serves vegetarian only.

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